2023 NASA Student Launch proposal accepted
The team is designing a rocket that will fly payload AVA. AVA will use trilateration to know where the object is in flight at all times. There will be three ground receivers that will be continuously determining distance to the rocket. This will yield a 3D point in space where the rocket is located.
2021 team Odyssey pictured with Aquarius
The NASA Student Launch Initiative (SLI) is a program where middle school through university teams design, build and fly a rocket carrying a scientific payload to a height of one mile.
This year, the competition was a "call your shot" altitude challenge. Our target altitude for 2021 wass 4400ft. on March 27, the 26lb vehicle traveled to a height of 4253ft. Only 147ft, or 3.3%, short of our mark.
This year, the competition was a "call your shot" altitude challenge. Our target altitude for 2021 wass 4400ft. on March 27, the 26lb vehicle traveled to a height of 4253ft. Only 147ft, or 3.3%, short of our mark.